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Naughty New Year Page 4
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Chapter 4
Steve didn’t come back as promised. She received a text message later that afternoon letting her know that he’d had to return to Chicago on short notice. She felt it in the pit of her stomach gnawing away. Her mom had tried to alleviate her anxieties by assuring her that he wouldn’t be so stupid to make the same mistake again but somehow she just felt it in her gut. He wasn’t going back to Chicago for business. He was going back because of her. He just didn’t have the guts to admit it.
She toyed with the phone in her hands for at least five minutes before she worked up the courage to make the phone call. He picked it up on the second ring.
“It’s really not a good time, honey. Can I call you back in a half hour?”
“This won’t take long,” she said taking a deep breath. Her hands were shaking.
“I’m so sorry about leaving so quickly. As soon as you get back to Chicago, I’m going to make it up to you.”
“I’ve been hearing that a lot.”
“I mean it, honey. Look, we’ll talk about this later. I really have to go right now.”
“Are you with her?”
“Don’t play dumb with me, Steve. I heard you talking to her last night at my parents’ house. I know it isn’t over.”
She heard him sigh heavily. “Hang on.” He covered up the phone and mumbled something that she couldn’t make out to whomever he was with. After a bit of commotion he picked up the phone again. “It’s not what you think.”
“Honestly, Steve, it doesn’t matter anymore.”
“Look, Honey, I don’t want to talk about this on the phone. I love you and I meant everything I said. I want things to work out with us. It’s just that … things got, well, complicated, and I can’t explain right now but I’m fixing it and everything is going to be better than it was before. I promise you.”
“Are you with her now?”
“What? No, why would you even think that? Do you really think I’d have flown back to Pennsylvania for you if I wasn’t serious about making things work?”
“Then be honest with me, Steve. What is really going on?”
She heard him sigh again and there was a long pause.
“Yeah, I’m still here.”
“Don’t worry about it,” she said feeling a sudden wave of calmness take over. It was as though everything suddenly made perfect sense. She fished out the ring from her pocket and looked at it intently. “Have a happy new year, Steve.”
“Honey, we’ll talk about this when you get back, I promise. I’ll explain everything.”
“I’ll only be in Chicago long enough to pack my bags to move home.”
“Don’t be like that, honey. It’s not what you think.”
“Actually, Steve, it doesn’t matter if it’s what I think or not. I think I’ve known for a while now that this isn’t what I want in my life anymore. It’s time for me to move on.”
“This is about that other guy? The waiter? You think you’re going to do better with some dumb waiter than with me? I can take care of you, Michelle.”
“This isn’t about me choosing him over you. This is about me deciding that I no longer want to live in Chicago and I no longer want to be married to you. Goodbye, Steve.”
She hung up the phone before he had a chance to respond. The conversation was over as far as she was concerned. She sat down heavily on the couch and tried to steady her breathing. She felt free and light as though a great burden had been lifted. After all the months she’d wasted wishing that he would come back in her life, it surprised her to discover that she didn’t really need him after all. The new year would mean a lot of big changes. She would have to give notice at her old job and start looking for a new one in Pennsylvania. She sighed. She should feel terrified right now but instead she felt liberated. It was going to be a wonderful year for her. She only wished that she could have been spending the start of it with Evan as they’d originally planned. Messing things up with him was her only regret.
Her parents didn’t take the news as badly as she expected them to. Despite all her mom’s insistence that she should give Steve a second chance, in the end her parents only wanted whatever would make her happy and it was clear that going back to Chicago was not it. Her mom hugged her tight and started chatting happily about all the things they would do in the new year once her daughter was back at home. Michelle felt genuinely happy for the first time in a very long time.
Chapter 5
Mom and Dad had plans to spend New Year’s Eve with Michelle’s aunt and uncle and although Catherine kept insisting that either Michelle tag along or they cancel their dinner to stay at home with her, Michelle wouldn’t let them. She gave them big hugs and wished them a good night before settling in for a night of movies and watching the New Year’s Eve ball drop. It wasn’t the most exciting celebration but she was looking forward to it nonetheless. After Steve’s umpteenth text message trying to get her to change her mind about her decision, she turned off her cell phone and put the ring he’d given her in the box with the wedding band which she tucked safely in a drawer until she could return them to him.
“Chick Flick Central. All aboard,” she said to herself chuckling as she popped in the first DVD from her small collection for the evening. The night was still young. She popped some microwave popcorn and just because it was a special evening, she melted Hershey kisses and drizzled the chocolate over it. The smell alone made her completely forget about the fact that she was spending the evening alone while most others were out enjoying parties and the company of their friends and loved ones. She couldn’t wait to dive in.
There was danger in watching sappy romantic movies, she decided as the first one ended. All she could think about was how much she wished she was spending the evening with Evan. She sighed again. It was clear that he never cared for her for more than sex since he was so quick to move on. She wondered who he was spending his new year’s eve with and then shook her head to clear the thoughts. She didn’t need to think about something that was bound to make her feel sad and sorry for herself. She’d wasted enough of her life feeling sorry for herself after Steve dumped her. She refused to let herself go there again so soon.
The new year was bound to bring a whole host of new possibilities and she couldn’t wait to embrace each and every one of them.
But halfway through the second movie, the tears threatened to break their barriers. She was alone and it seemed silly to torture herself trying to stay awake until midnight. She watched a moment of the New Year’s Rocking Eve Party at Times Square and decided she would just go to bed and worry about welcoming the new year tomorrow when her parents were home and she wasn’t so prone to feeling emotional about it.
She wiped the tears away with the back of her hand and pushed away the blanket that she had been using to keep cozy on the couch as she stood up to take her empty popcorn bowl to the kitchen. A knock at the door startled her. According to the clock, it was only thirty minutes until the new year. Whoever was at the door knocked with more insistence making the butterflies in her stomach flutter in anticipation. She took a deep breath and hoped that Steve hadn’t decided to show up again but surely, he couldn’t have got a flight out of Chicago that quickly? She didn’t dare to hope.
She made her way to the door and opened it cautiously. She opened her mouth in silent surprise when Evan looked back at her and smiled.
“What are you doing here?” she asked.
“I’m sorry. I tried calling but there was no answer. Maxine said that I might find you here.”
“Maxine?” Michelle cringed at the sound of her least favorite cousin’s name. Maxine had been the one to steal her first boyfriend so many moons ago and when she brought Evan to Christmas dinner, Michelle had gladly returned the favor. Of all the people, she hated thinking that he’d run back to Maxi for mindless sex.
“When you didn’t answer my calls, I called her just to make sure everything was o
kay. She said her parents were out with your parents tonight but you were at home.”
Michelle sighed in relief. He wasn’t sleeping with Maxine at least.
“Yeah, here I am.” She looked at him dumbfounded trying to figure out why he’d wanted to get a hold of her so desperately.
“Is Steve here?” he asked nervously.
“No, I’m alone.”
“Can I come in?”
“Sure.” She held the door open wider for him and watched him pass through the threshold and shuffle nervously. She indicated that they should go to the living room but wished that she’d have cleaned up a little better after her chick flick marathon. She could have taken the time to brush her hair and put on a bit of makeup for that matter.
Evan sat himself on the couch.
“Can I get you something to drink?” she asked him, unsure what to do. This was an unusual twist in her evening plans.
“No, thanks. I didn’t mean to barge in on you like this.”
“Why are you here?”
“It’s just that ever since I saw you with him at the restaurant, I haven’t been able to think straight at all.”
“I’ve never been the jealous type.” He laughed a little and looked at her nervously. “At least not until I met you.”
“I don’t understand.”
“I know I haven’t known you very long and I probably don’t compare to him but you’re all I think about, Michelle. I eat, sleep, breathe, and dream you. I am sure I can’t offer you everything that he can but…”
He paused and put his face in his hands, running his hair through his fingers and laughed again.
“I shouldn’t be here like this,” he said at last, “I don’t know what I was thinking. I’m so sorry for bothering you, Michelle.”
He got up to leave and she grabbed his arm. “Wait, Evan. Where are you going?”
“You must think I’m crazy showing up here like this all lovesick and crazy over you when we only just met a week ago. I should have never thought…”
“Yeah, silly huh?”
“Only a couple minutes until midnight. I’m sure you must want to call him or something,” Evan said moving toward the door again, “I’m so sorry I showed up here like this.”
“Evan! Stay, please.”
The both looked at the TV as the anticipation of the ball dropping increased. Only two minutes until midnight and Michelle felt her heart pounding. She had the most gorgeous man she’d ever met beside her. She couldn’t think of a better way to start the new year. She moved closer and took his hand as they stared into each other’s eyes. She was certain as the final countdown began that she must be holding her breath.
Ten, nine, eight, seven…
Evan pulled her into his arms and smiled down at her. She smiled in return. She could feel his heart against her beating just as wildly.
Six, five, four, three…
She glanced at the TV one last time as the ball made its decent and then looked back at Evan.
He pulled her face to his in a fierce kiss that told her everything she needed to know.
Happy New Year!
She never wanted to let go. They stood kissing each other, exploring each other’s mouths and faces as if they would never stop. Another year could pass and she wouldn’t care as long as his arms were wrapped around her.
He broke the connection but only long enough to sweep her into his arms and carry her to the bedroom. She started pulling off his clothes as soon as her feet hit the floor. He did the same yanking at her sweater and jeans as though they were in a race to undress. He pulled her into his arms again and planted her face with kisses. She felt as though she’d come home after being away for too long. How could she have ever considered going back to Steve? She knew now without a doubt that she could never return to Chicago. She wrapped her legs around him. He supported her weight easily in his arms as he deepened the kiss.
“I’ve missed you,” he said between kisses.
“I can feel that,” she said giggling slightly.
He pressed her body into the door still holding her legs tightly around his waist. She clung to him, kneading his shoulders first and then running her hands through his hair. Her feelings had never been this intense with Steve.
He trailed kisses from her mouth down her neck as she arched backward to accommodate him, moaning at the feeling of his tongue against her skin. She was alive when she was in Evan’s arms.
“I need you,” she said adjusting her hips and willing him to enter her.
She didn’t need to beg him. He pulled away just enough to allow himself enough space to adjust and then pressed gently into her, holding her in place for a moment while they both reveled in the sensation of being truly together again. Then he rocked his hips setting the pace and rhythm while he pressed her body firmly into the door. She closed her eyes and buried her head in his shoulder lost in the pleasure that he created just by that simple motion.
Somewhere in the distance they heard the steady roar of fireworks that the city launched to celebrate the coming of a new year but they barely registered the world around them.
He swung her around to toss her on the bed before reconnecting again and continuing to blend into each other. Evan had Michelle on the verge of orgasm so easily and then she was free falling over the edge and clinging to him as she pulled him along with her. They slumped together in a satisfied heap afterward calming their heavy breathing and giving in to happy sighs.
Evan pushed her hair away from her face and kissed her gently.
“Déjà vu,” she said giggling a little again. She couldn’t seem to help it when she was with him. He had that giddy effect on her.
“Seems only right that we should spend New Year’s doing the same thing we did on Christmas. Don’t you think?”
“Well, naturally, but if memory serves, Christmas involved generous amounts of whipped cream.”
“Mmm… I do remember that well,” he said trailing his hand down over her breast and across her stomach. She could feel the tingling of longing build in her core again.
“Yes, we should do that again.”
“Yes…” he paused stopping his trail along her skin and she looked at him questioning. “Before you leave me,” he finally finished.
“I have a flight to Chicago on the second,” she said.
“Yeah, I remember that too.”
“What if I came back?”
“Why would you do that? Your whole life is in Chicago?”
“Correction. My whole life was in Chicago. That is well and truly over.”
“What about Steve?”
“I ended it with him for good this time.”
“You did?”
“Why do you think I was home alone on New Year’s Eve?”
“Well, I wondered but I didn’t want to make assumptions,” he said, “I thought maybe Steve was back in Chicago waiting for you.”
“He is in Chicago and yes, I’m going back on the second, but only to clear out my apartment. As soon as I get rid of anything I can’t bring back and load the rest into my car, I’ll be driving back here to stay.”
“Seriously?” he said with excitement evident in his voice.
“Yes. I’m starting all over again. I must be crazy but I don’t care. This is the best that I have felt about life in a long time.”
He pulled her tightly against him and kissed the top of his head. “You have no idea how happy I am to hear that. I mean… I don’t mean to say that I’m happy that things didn’t work out with Steve… It’s just…”
“Don’t worry about it,” she said giggling again, “I’m not. It was over a long time ago. I just didn’t have the guts to let go.”
“So does that make me the rebound guy?” he said moving so that he could lean on his elbow and look into her eyes. She felt str
angely excited about the look in his eyes. It reminded her of that first night they met on Christmas Day when she’d been certain he was dangerous. She’d never been more right about a man. This one was dangerous in all the right ways.
“Umm…Do you want to be?” she asked shyly. She didn’t really like to think of him as the rebound guy. That confirmed all her earlier fears that he didn’t want more than sex from her. Her heart sank a little at that thought.
“I guess it will do for now,” he said thoughtfully.
“For now?”
“You need time. I understand that. I just hope that maybe in time you might want a little more from me?”
“I want a lot more from you already,” she said before she had the chance to censor herself.
“Well, why don’t we start with me helping you get sorted and moved?” he said.
“I could arrange a flight to Chicago, help you pack and empty your place, and then share the driving back to Pennsylvania?”
“You would do that for me?”
“Well, on one condition…”
“What is that?” she asked.
“That as soon as we get back and you’re settled in, you let me take you to dinner.”
“I think that could be arranged,” she said smiling.
Evan kissed her again and she melted into him already feeling warm and dizzy with the anticipation of feeling him inside her again.
“So… about that whipped cream…”
Alisa Easton is a reader, a writer, a daydreamer, a lover, and an ice cream eater. She loves her fiction the way she loves her life … with plenty of steam.